Creepy, isn't it?
When you start thinking of devices like Alexa in more human form - listening, recording and transmitting, it changes the way you think about Privacy, doesn't it?
Privacy by Zero -
Fully Local A.I.
Using patented algorithms based on the human brain, Zero can process all interactions with the user locally on the device - voice, sensors, location, visual inputs.
Alexa, Google, Facebook are all listening and sending your interactions to the cloud - we've seen what happens. Zero keeps your private interactions on your device - listening and learning but never transmitting.
Offline Mode
Zero can undertand interactions between you and your devices even when the device is not connected, making it the ideal interface - at zero cost per interaction and with instant responses.
Zero learns specific 'context' and 'concepts' that might have to do with your car or TV or a smart Switch in your Apartment - so it can be an expert on what it is meant to do instead of being 'average' at a lot of things.
Zero Privacy Device
Zero is available to download but more powerfully,
available as a small companion device that will
coordinate with all your other devices.
But keep your interactions private.

To learn more about Zero and availability to integrate into your device or to check on the Zero Companion Device, drop us a line.
Or just
General Enquires
Zero Labs, Inc.
415 Jackson St.
Suite B
San Francisco
CA 94111 -
Questions on Zero Hardware
Partnership questions
Zero Fabric
Monetize your Digital Existence
Stay in touch